
Welcome To The Site!

A brief description of what this is all about

If you are coming here it is most likely from discord, or from Dale, or you may just be surfing the web and have come across this page, if so welcome! This website will have all of the updates and info about the 1.7.10 Minecraft Modpack Selenite Official. There will be a lot more to come in the future and this is just the start, Read the pack info, Join us in the discord and have fun! Please view more in depth details and real info about the pack on the technic platform — https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/selenite-official-modpack.983306

backgrounder (1)

Staff applications

This is all the information you need to know on how to get staff on the server, All applications must be emailed to me at dale226gameing@gmail.com. Chat Moderator and very rarely Moderator applications will be accepted, anything else will be ignored.

We are currently only accepting Builder, Chat Moderator, and very rarely Moderator applications, anything else will be ignored.

Here are the requirements:

1.  You MUST have a discord account and be a member of the server

2.  You must be of 14 years or age or older

3. You must have a playtime on the server of at least 10 hours

4. You cannot have any Bans / Kicks on the Discord or the Modded Server

Reccomendation: You should be a trusted and good member of the community,  and have talked to me or another staff member one or more times.


== Template ==




Discord Name and Tag:

What in-game commands do you know/are familiar with?

How much of your time can you dedicate to playing on the server?

What position are you applying for?

Why do you want to be a bigger part of our community?

Why should we pick you for this position over other applicants?